Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Helo everyone!On seeing the sudden spurt of activity on the blog, i've decided to blog. Actually kinda miss you guys. I now have an econs lecturer who makes me wish that I had Dr. Siva instead. Ya, I know. Actually he kinda looks like the ang moh version of Siva. Hm. >_<
OK, take care everybody. Hope to see you guys when I finally return home.
lan·guor ( P ) Pronunciation Key (lnggr, lngr)n.
Lack of physical or mental energy; listlessness. See Synonyms at lethargy.
A dreamy, lazy mood or quality: “It was hot, yet with a sweet languor about it” (Theodore Dreiser).
Oppressive quiet or stillness.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin, from langure, to be languid. See languish.]
languor·ous adj. languor·ous·ly adv. languor·ous·ness n.
Haha, why so tired and lazy la! Must look forward to school and lectures right? But it's hols now. Hm, you guys can have fun studying for BT2. >_<