Thursday, February 10, 2005
i have to say that I DO NOT LOOK LIKE A XIAOMEIMEI! or minnie mouse for a matter of fact. gahs! fines. i shall not ever ever keep a fringe again until like i dunno a long time from now! haa haa. anyway cny pix are nice! help us thank ur dear terence angela! ohhs and i apologize for being slow with the stj pix! i promise to post them up asap! like mebbe on friday or sth! haa haa. (: anyway hope everyone's enjoying their cny so far! i have been enjoying the collecting money part mostly, makes some boring visits worth while now don't it? =P haa haa. okaes it's late and i shall hop off to bed!and yes daowei is going to india at 6:30am today! so let's wish him a safe flight and less encounters with siva! haa haa haa =P