Saturday, May 21, 2005
hiiiiiiii pple! we must now revive the blog because it is highly deadified! haa haa. =_= <-- double eyelids! haa haa. okae not funny. rarhs.anyway congrats pixie! U HAVE FINALLY BEEN INVITED INTO THE BLOG. haa haa yeayss (: oohs and i think our class is very enthu especially during the cheering for the bball match. i swear i've never screamed continuously for so long ever in my life. voice is now hoarse haa haa and my throat is pain. next time i will use my diaphragm to protect my poor throat. haa haa. oh wells, the matches were quite exciting! haa haa. *screams* ouch. poor throat again. haa haa :\ bahs.
whees. vesak day on monday! i absolutely adore public holidaysss :D oh and the fact that we ended damn early today without the dark one and........ the bimbo-but-smart one. haa haa okae i shan't say their names in case the school admin decides to expel me from school!
okae everyone i shall now make sure that u ALL blog here once a week! i don't care! haa haa.
yeays i shall go enjoy slacking one more night away before i start mugging. cya'll on tuesday!! have a good rest away from our dreaded hci (horrible and cruel instituition :p haa haa haa just joking) :D