Saturday, January 08, 2005
laa dee doo. this is ur very highly efficient pictures rep haa haa is there such a thing? anyway pix from the orientation for the benefit of those who were busy at huang cheng or not with the class.
our lovely classbench stacked with bags
so basically i spent most of the campfire night with kia, qipee and alexis. mengni and cuiyi disappeared somewhere after we went downstairs from the right wing. and it rained so everyone was transfered to the hall... downer! haa haa then we got so bored so kia and i walked around hc (especially around the dark parts. haa haa BOO! haa haa) and then sat down in front of the light up area.

cardssss... haahaa see what boredom can do to you?

haahaa, yeaps i'm a traitor, i wore the nj shirt to a hc orientation campfire haa haa rox lah.
then later all the j1s came back down and the fac leaders came down and then the fire was lighted. tried my best to take photos but note the heads all over the picture. anyway the lighting wasn't very successful i.e. artemis is HARDLY visible? but it was okae, the star was pretty! (:

unlit. uargggghhh stupid pple's heads sticking up all over the place!

all the fac names are burning. only apollo can be seen! i bet it's doused in oil and see artemis is like.. not burning at all. horrible. ha haa.

then we joined the junior class in the song and dance session. omg SUPER DUPER FUN! i've never wanted to join these stuff cause the songs are in chinese and i dunno lack of feeling connected to hc but hey omg DAMN FUN. omgomgomgomg. haa haa we were singing our lungs out (when pixie and i could see the words haa haa) then we were jumping, swaying from side to side, wooshing around haa haa haa. omg, who cares if i dunno how to sing the songs, damn fun! and like the jnr class were enthu singing here and there dancing here and there! haa haa, gosh. and we were jumping around so much and there were so many pple hanging around that it was darned hot, but damn fun. i tell u the snr class consisted of nic, alexis, pixie, kia, qipee, lingwei, alice and jinx larh. where are the guys? gone. haa haa haa. okae daowei was MIA and too blind/short to see us when we were doing the choo choo train thing. as for the mass dance (which mind u i have no idea how to dance at all), there was an odd number of us so pixie, kia and i ended up dancing together, making our own version on the way cause we couldn't do the 2 pple stuff. haa haa fun! anyhow just bouncing around like idiots haa haa haa, but it was damn fun? haa haa. gosh. spin spin spin. haa haa then when orientation ended we ran out to the school gate nearer to the class bench and it was LOCKED so everyone was frantically climbing outta the gate. haa haa haa then i was like climb climb climb and finalli got over. exhilarating to say the least. then we rushed to the bus stop and got on to the 3rd bus that came cause 1 was TOTALLY filled the other was in the process of being filled. haa haa.
KAP WAS TOTALLY PACKED. nj and hc pple haa haa. felt bad cause i was the "nj" among the hc haa haa haa haa haa. yes yes yes traitor lah. anyway, we were almost at kap and daowei ran forward and shouted: QIONG! so kia, daniel and i just ran into kap. haa haa ULTIMATE MADNESS! haa haa. then we like dumped our bags on like 5 tables at kap and tried to book up everything waiting for everyone to arrive and the juniors were SUPER fast like almost the whole class came. 21 one of them leh ALL THE GUYS CAME! and u know there were onli 2 guys from the senior class *AHEM* haa haa. i think they were mostly busy with huang cheng stuff.. poor things. then i bought the new twisty fries thing like a&w curly fries. haa haa. it's not bad!

the showcase of the curly fries at macs

us us us. haa haa it's YOUR SENIORS. argh feel damn old. haa haa.

jnr class + a red alice haa haa

remnants of the jnr class. don't ask me names cause i dunno! haa haa

61!!! haa haa BLUR group photo. aiyoh onli i take pro photos i tell u. haa haa haa. anyway we're saying 61 do u see it?! haa haa dao wei trying to act cute lorh, everyphoto also stick out tongue lah.

arhhh super blurrr!!
haa haa amongst all teh secondary uniforms u see one njc sticking out at the side. okaeokae i shall be more patriotic to hc and wear hc shirts okae? haa haa haa. anyway anyway a very impt thing i must say is: THE JUNIOR CLASS IS DAMN ENTHU AND I'M JEALOUSSSSS. haa haa haa our class needs more class bonding time okae we must be MORE enthu than them, cannot lose face at jts and stj man! haa haa. anyway we were all sitting at the table next to them and the next time we knew after a series of screamings (we don't even scream lah! 04S61 BUCK UP MAN haahaa) one of the juniors JUMPED UP onto the TABLE and then 1 2 3 she screamed: 61 ROX!! at the top of her lungs. chao chao chao enthu. *turns green with envy* haahaa.
okae MORE CLASS BONDING YAH? haa haa haa cya'll in school! have a great weekend pple! (: