Saturday, December 25, 2004
mErRy chRiStMas~whoopeee~ haa haa i'm shocked that.... there's a person who mentioned the class bbq before i did?! *jaw drops* thanks jinx! (:
and yes. my address is 10 Duchess Place in case u need to find the road name in ur street directory. haa haa i'm sure most of u know the way lah RIGHT!? yeay. okae anyway we will be meeting EARLIER so we can buy the food and prepare it (don't expect me to do everything yarh i'm not the official S61 maid. in fact i'm a tai tai and tai tais don't prepare food *smirks) haa haa haa. okae la i say we meet at 1 at... coro? so we can go buy food! yeayyyyy haa haa.
ohh and anyone up for the idea of exchanging gifts? (excuse to go down to orchard to go shopping haa haa haa) oh but don't go into mango, almost died in there. yeahs reply here soon and PLEASE keep the blog alive! whoopee. haa haa (: