Sunday, November 14, 2004
hi everyone! my departure details are as follows:26th november (Friday), 9.40am, Changi Airport (Duh) Terminal 2
so that basically means that if you want to send me off you'll have to be there around 8am. :D nevermind if you guys cannot make it.
i don't know if i can come for the chalet cos there's alot of packing to do.
my internet will be going off on the 15th of november so if you wanna contact me you can call my hse or my handphone yeah?
well, if i don't see you guys for the next year, here are my last words (in singapore anyway):
i'm really glad i got posted to 61 after all, and i'm very touched that you guys actually organized such a nice farewell for me, complete with such a pretty present. i love you guys and i will miss you all. goodbye!