Friday, November 12, 2004
hello people. chalet has been booked from 17th to 19th nov. please spread the word! anyway check in time is 230 so i say we meet earlier like at......... 130 at harbourfront mrt station! then we can go play beach volleyball and kayak after that. if u don't have much luggage u may wanna bring a sleeping bag.. just in case lah. haa haa. and oh yeah, who's bringing mahjong, pls bring yah! and cards and whatever other game u wanna bring (angela, i dun wanna bring monopoly, it's too big! haa haa so if u wanna play bring one urself kaes. haa haa haa =P). yayness. chalet is on so u better come or i will slaughter every single one of u! yes! haa haa. alrites, cya ont he 17th which is also a wednesday. REMEMBER TO SPREAD THE NEWS! oh and inform me if u're not going so i can arrange ur death date!just joking! hah. bye bye~